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  • info@cascadestrategies.com

Millennials Shop Differently

--> 21 Feb

Recently released US Consumer Expenditure Survey data confirm what eyetracking studies have been telling marketers for some time.  Our Nimbus eyetracking studies revealed a widening gulf between the shopping patterns observed between younger generations and their older counterparts over the past 5 years.  The eyetracking data revealed differences in dwell times and rejection rates among […]

VR Shopping Replicates Real World Shopping

--> 14 Feb

Clients often ask whether the results from a virtual study reflect actual shopping behavior in a real store.  During a recent oral care study, we measured a 97% correlation between dollar value of purchases on a brand-by-brand basis made by respondents buying in a virtual store versus reported industry sales.  The Pearson Correlation Coefficient was […]

Mobile Device Ownership/Usage in China Surpasses US

--> 07 Feb

Mobile device usage in China has surpassed the US and indications are that penetration rates will continue to climb faster in China than either the US or Europe.  Mobile device users are far more likely to access the Internet and do so more often than other internet users.  Understanding these mobile device users is going […]

Mobile eye tracking versus tracking on the screen

--> 31 Jan

Is mobile eye tracking better than tracking from a computer monitor?  There’s debate. Most mobile eye tracking solutions provide analog output in real time.  In other words, researchers and observers can “see what the respondent is seeing” in the moment.  That’s great for qualitative insight, but what kind of precision or quantitative reliability does it […]

Southwest Windpower taps Cascade to assess the blogosphere’s view of the possibilities for small wind power

--> 21 Jan

Southwest Windpower (SWWP), a Phoenix-based supplier of wind turbine generators for “small wind” supplemental green power generation (i.e., for single structures – homes, commercial buildings, etc.), asked Cascade Strategies to survey online communities and summarize their point of view on the viability of small wind.  SWWP was in pursuit of a Green Energy Development Grant […]

Package Success Through the Nimbus Virtual Shopping System

--> 14 Jan


Link to HP Case Study

--> 07 Jan

  In a recent case study, HP wished to explore which paper package would be most successful at retail. By utilizing our innovative Nimbus Virtual Shopping System, Cascade Strategies has once again proven the power of market research. Click here to view the full Photo Paper Case Study