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predictive analytics glossary

Are you un-siloing your marketing data?

--> 19 Sep

These days many people are trying to rescue their various forms of marketing data from the separate, often uncommunicative systems where they reside (“silos”) and integrating these data streams into a coherent framework for decision making.  Is your company doing that — un-siloing your marketing data?

Do Customer Satisfaction Surveys Contain Too Many Ringers?

--> 12 Sep

Some people conducting customer satisfaction surveys say they can’t get accurate information because of the dominance of “ringers” – people who are either very angry or very pleased with their experience with the brand, product, or service. This leaves out the great middle – people who’ve had an experience with the brand but don’t have […]

Are biometrics worth the trouble?

--> 05 Sep

The world of biometric research for marketing is exciting, in that it holds the promise of understanding the emotional connection to products and brands. But is it worth the trouble? There’s disagreement.

Has big data benefited you?

--> 29 Aug

Sure, big data’s a buzzterm, an object of interest, and a serious discipline — all three are true.  But does dig data produce practical, understandable, common-sense wins for you and your company?  If so, tell us about those wins.  If not, tell us why you think big data doesn’t produce tangible benefits at the simple, […]

Are Physical Focus Groups Still Relevant?

--> 22 Aug

With the advent of so many alternative market research methods — qualitative and quantitative — there’s certainly room for debate on this topic.  Tell us what you think!  If you think yes, physical focus groups are still relevant, tell us why, and what are their best uses.  If you think no, physical focus groups are […]

Agile Marketing Research

--> 15 Aug

Marketing has changed dramatically in recent years.  With the use of tablets, smart phones, e-readers, email, content marketing, etc. the reels are changing faster than ever.  Those who do not adapt fall behind. There are many possible challenges that could affect the way you market your business.  New ways to connect with customers is ever […]

Stay Relevant With Agile Marketing Research

--> 08 Aug

It comes as no surprise that marketing has changed dramatically in the last few years. For instance, “new” marketing conventions include social media management and content marketing—strategies that were rarely used not too many years back. Marketing, and by association marketing research, are changing more quickly than ever before. Those who don’t adapt fall behind. […]

artificial intelligence glossary

Demystifying Big Data

--> 01 Aug

The term “big data” has been thrown around more and more over the past few years. And while big data has been prophesized to be the next fundamental marketing tool, very little about what it actually is has made its way into public knowledge. Many even define the term incorrectly, allowing it to reach little […]

Using a Consultative Approach to Connect With Your Customers

--> 25 Jul

In marketing research, companies and marketers alike can gain valuable insight from taking a “consultative” approach to research projects where they consult with respondents, instead of taking the standard transactional approach that dismisses participant theories. We discuss how the consultative approach works below.

Addressing & Overcoming the Myth of Uniqueness

--> 18 Jul

Innovation is valuable for numerous reasons, including its ability to produce new things, such as new products, processes, and technologies. Once these new ventures manifest, they create a need for the acquisition of new marketing insights. In order to attain insight regarding how innovations will affect markets, business owners who want to remain competitive and […]