What is Digital Transformation?
20 FebWhat is Digital Transformation? Digital transformation is the process of implementing workflows and technologies that leverage data into your business operations. From using AI for marketing purposes to replacing paper invoices with billing apps, companies all over the world are changing their business processes, customer relations techniques, and marketing tactics. While it may be obvious […]

Marketing AI Curious? Here’s 7 Key Questions to Ask
13 FebArtificial Intelligence(AI) has recently been integrated into marketing and is still in its early stages. It makes automated decisions based on available data and audience observations or economic trends that impact marketing. By doing so, it enables marketers to gain more insight and understanding of their target audiences. However, a business must comprehend how AI […]

What Does A Data Science Team Do?
06 Feb“Data Scientist in Residence”, “Chief Data Officer”, “Big data engineer”…the data science buzzword du jour is “Data Scientist.” These data scientists are part data analyst, part statistician and part software developer. With data quickly becoming a top strategic business priority for many companies, the need for data scientists will only increase – especially as we […]

Do You Need To Hire A Data Scientist?
30 JanIs It Time To Hire A Data Scientist? Data and analytics have taken the business world by storm – finally! It’s been a long time coming though many may say they’ve always used data to support decision making. While true for some, the rise of Data Science from the back office to the boardroom conversations […]

At The Core of Marketing Decision Making: Advanced Analytics
23 JanAdvanced Analytics is an encompassing term that is used to categorize techniques and technologies that seek to understand what happened in detail or to predict what may happen with an unmatched degree of precision. We use the term to encompass services that include Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, or AI and related technologies. The field of […]

Curious About AI in Marketing? 7 Critical Questions
16 JanArtificial Intelligence(AI) has recently been integrated into marketing and is still in its early stages. It makes automated decisions based on available data and audience observations or economic trends that impact marketing. By doing so, it enables marketers to gain more insight and understanding of their target audiences. However, a business must comprehend how AI […]

8 Questions Every Brand or Product Manager Needs to Ask
09 JanThe 8 “SIMPLE” questions every data-driven Brand Marketer or Product Manager needs to ask themselves about their strategy in order to build proper tactics. When it comes to digital marketing & strategy – the best flashlight is a well-formed question. Below are a few “simple questions” that cross both product and business applicability to help […]

Leadership in 2023 Begins with Advanced Analytics
02 JanSince the advent of Big Data Analytics over a decade ago, the challenge has been to gather the data so that you can see the data and display it in such a way as to allow it to be useful in the day-to-day processes of a business. Dashboards are very popular for this exercise— and […]

Leadership vs. Management in Change and Crisis
19 DecThere’s a fascinating emerging set of literature on true leadership (versus management) of crises. One of the signal books in this genre is Upstream: The Quest to Solve Problems Before They Happen by Dan Heath. The author explains that true leaders are people whose names you don’t know. Why is that? Because true leaders use tools such […]

Latent Effects Modeling with AI & Machine Learning
12 DecWe’ve been posting opinions and comments that urge marketers to “get over” artificial intelligence (AI). To dive into AI’s veritable treasure house of research tools and insights, instead of circling it warily, for fear of banging into a “disruption” moment. So, I hereby plant the flag of AI for the regular guy (or gal, of […]